
Friday, September 9, 2016

The Hurry-up Mentality - 5 Reasons to Slow Down

The Hurry-up Mentality - 5 Reasons to Slow Down

1.  I don't think it's possible to be happy when you're in a hurry.  "That guy tail gating me..he seems so happy! ya right! he he ...What is his secret to happiness?" :] Hes not happy..! because he's in a hurry.....and maybe for no good reason.

2.  Your body can begin to relax when you slow down. Check yourself  "do I really need to be in a rush right now... Can't I just be in the now moment and do the task in front of me without the need to rush."

3.  When you slow down you can see more clearly and then appreciate the important things in life like your kids, spouse, and family.  Allow your brain to rest and just "Be" with your loved ones.
We are much easier to get along with when we slow down.

4.  When we are in a hurry you make everyone and every thing else the ENEMY!  especially when driving ....remember these are real people let's be nice to each other... damn it :-)  Yes even when your driving. 

5.  It is NOT sexy to be in a hurry ...when was the last time you said "Wow!... look at that guy or girl I just love how they rush around with their tense body its so so Sexy!"  Relaxed people are definitely more attractive.  

So give it a try ...slow down a lil and see how you feel. GL :]

Monday, August 8, 2016

Vintage Lock Photography (Yale)

Photography by ©Adam Zachary

I really Love old locks are some old Yale locks from my collection.

All photography by ©Adam Zachary

You can see the video here:

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

5 Senses Meditation

Part 1:

First we want to explore each sense separately.

Be acutely aware of the smells around you at this moment. Take a minute to be mind-full of what your olfactory system is telling you. ( 1 min )

Listen to the sounds around you...try to focus only on hearing. Try to pick up subtle sounds that may have escaped you previously. ( 1 min )

Feel the presence of your body. If your touching something concentrate on that feeling. If your sitting in the chair feel the weight of your body at the point where there is contact. Explore the feeling of touch. ( 1 min )

If your not eating anything you can still explore the feeling of taste just a little blander :]
If you have some food handy take a small taste and focus on the sensation and nothing else close your eyes if this helps. ( 1 min )

Take a look around aware of the objects that surround you. Identify their colors, shapes and characteristics. Focus on your sense of sight for a moment. ( 1 min )

Part 2:

Now this time we will combine two senses to focus on simultaneously.
For example: Feeling/Hearing or Taste/sight or Smell/Hearing. Your choice.
Try your best to be aware of just the two senses at one time some pairings will be easier than others.
( 1-2 min )

Try your best to bring in a third, fourth, and possibly a fifth sense and be aware of all simultaneously.
This may take take some practice. Were you able to focus equally on more than two senses at the same time? If not....Just do your best for now. ( 1 – 2 min )

Part 3:

Now just stop! Relax ...close your eyes. Sit or lay there with no focus on any-thing.
We are letting go of the sensations and letting nature take over just relax and breathe quietly.
Do this for 3 to 5 minutes or more may have some interesting sensations regarding your senses.
This last part is very enjoyable for me ….let me know what you experience.:] 


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Before Sleep...zzz... Filter Your Day

Before Sleep...zzz... Filter Your Day

Before you go to sleep at night take a little journey inside your mind and recall the events of your day.

But ...filter out any negative events or circumstances ...we are looking for the treasures.

It may be that someone smiled at you or you had a pleasant conversation with a stranger. A hug from a family member.

You may remember some of these events and think "O yeah that was pretty cool!"  You were so busy entertaining problematic scenarios that you may well have forgotten it forever.

A lot of the time we let the negative aspects in our life overshadow or even blind us to the little treasures in our day. They are there...sometimes very apparent and sometimes hidden.

Most of us won't remember yesterday or the day before...unless we have taken the time to do so.

Take the time to find those little treasures and savor them...they are yours to keep.

This practice of reflection before sleep helps magnify and enhance the “positive” you know the "good stuff" in our life...even if we have to search hard for it....its worth the effort ...I think so. :]

Monday, August 1, 2016

Listen to Music! The Best Stress Relief

Listen to Music! The Best Stress Relief

Just as simple as that ….at least for me it is.

Remember when you where a kid. You were laying quietly on the floor listening to the Radio.
You would let you thoughts flow and seems to me we don't give our self a chance to go to that place anymore.

No need to think about any dogmatic meditation technique. Just lay or sit (alone hopefully) and listen to music that you enjoy or that is relaxing. Allow your mind to wonder ....don't fight your train of though... just trust in this natural process. 

15 to 30 minutes is usually enough to get a nice mental reset.

Give it a shot might be surprised how easily it can be to Relax.:]

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Natural Ways to Repel Slugs and Snails (folklore?)

Natural Ways to Repel Slugs and Snails (folklore?)


Wood ash
Hydrated lime
Marble dust
Crushed oyster shells
Crushed egg shells
Diatomaceous earth
Salt (not to mush on the soil)
Petroleum Jelly (around edge of pots)
Copper strips


Oak leave mulch
Coffee grounds

Creative Diversity-

Create diversity in the garden to attract natural predators-
Don't plant large mono-crops ...variety is best to keep out the pest.

Drench soil with worm wood tea.

Fermenting sugar water (put in a saucer then put in garden area)
Yeast & Honey Mixture (boil together) put in saucer.
Saucer of beer
Spoiled yogurt (saucer)
Dog or Cat food under a pie dish (make a hole for snails to enter) collect snails daily.
Upside down grape fruit with hole in top (toss in garbage after snails gather underneath)
Upside down flower pots (collect snails daily)

Natural predators-
Predatory slugs and snails (decollate snails)
Certain Beatles

Plants that resist snails and slugs-

Basil, beans, corn, rosemary, sage and sunflower.


Horse, human, cat or dog hair applied to soil.

Bio-dynamic Preparations-

Snails left in a bucket with water to rot then use water on garden
Burned snail ashes spread in the garden.
Etherics Seaweed
Grow strong plants in strong soil- it is thought that pests attack the weaker and dying plants.

Hand picking-

Get the kids and go snail hunting (hunting is best at night)


Blend snails in a blender then spray on garden (I think its 20 parts water to one part snail) strain and spray.


Vinegar and water (spray)
Get rid of moist hiding places.
Shingles in the garden (the snails and slugs find a home under the shingle Collect and discard the accumulated snail population.)

Essential Oils-

Cedar wood, Pine, Patchouli (add a few drops to 8 ounces of water then spray)

Repelling Herbs-

Fennel, Garlic, Rosemary, Aloe Vera.


contact the snail spirit and ask it to leave the area or make a dog food offering where the snails will have sanctuary thus not needing to harm your plants :]

Soil Microbes-

Brew protozoa tea and spray
Microbial tea

Gangster snails-

Just give them a piece of the pie:]


Garden Insects of North America
The gardeners bug book
Tiny Game hunting
Secrets of the soil
Encyclopedia of organic gardening
Old Wives' Lore for Gardeners

also Check out my Video

Just an Old Pocket Knife

Just an Old Pocket Knife
Or is it …..

A piece of art sculpted by use and the passage of time.
A relic...a memory passed down the line.
A history forgotten, laying in the dirt and forming rust.
Its bend, broken and weary blades speak the image of a once living soul.
Who used this knife....what did they think and do?

Is it just and old pocket knife too you?

My Vintage Pocket Knife Video Collection

Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Beauty of Rust

To some Rust is more like a cuss word.
To someone like me... its Beautiful.
Why? Its a good question.

First. What is Rust ? Well it's oxidation. The reddish color is formed by oxidation and is composed of iron oxide.

Rust reminds us that we are mere mortals and makes us nostalgic when we see an old rusty Anchor from some unknown old ship.

What kind of ship? How many people were on the ship? What language did they speak? Were they happy?

The mind takes a journey when we see an old Rusty Relic, the facts have been covered up by the years gone by and we are left to speculate its origins.

Your imagination is sparked, so you talk and swap stories with your friends, about what this object may have been or where it came from.

Try not cuss to much when you see Rust.  Its a part of the process of reminds us of our fate but also entices us to enjoy and appreciate the Journey.

Chopping Vegetables as a Meditiation

Chopping Vegetables as a Meditation

Raise your hand if you love chopping vegetables.....:]
If your trying to eat healthy, chopping vegetables is very time consuming and can be quite a chore.
Slicing dicing and for what ... this little salad?...its not worth it.

Well...its all in the way you go about it.
Make it a Meditation!
Get the kids out of the room....turn on some light music ( or whatever you like  )
Slow yourself down (don't hurry!) Be in the "Now" moment.
Focus on the act of slicing, washing, and prepping.
When your done you will feel a sense of peace and  you will have made a chore into something quite pleasing.

Happy Chopping :]